Complete list for all possible trips - Save a copy before modifying See separate car camping master list Remember that trip journals are on website - download to tablet. To do: Two travel size Perts for Grant Fan-Tastic Vent 01100WH Endless Breeze - 12 Volt Fan (about $100) wash zipper pillowcases, buy one more create trip webpage buy notebook for journal update photo books update Garmin maps refill meds update photo books hostess gifts (aplets are bulky for plane travel) Cell phone charger pack TSA-approved suitcase lock shared mp3 drive (update) order AAA maps Change camera time/sync with Grant Check suitcase screws BECU re: using card elsewhere (online) Take motion pill before flight knife out of purse for flights Rental car info Print out hotel confirmations Email myself address and email lists (incl. HNA board members) Tell neighbors learn how to use self-timer on camera Return library books Print out boarding passes Check studio fridge laundry lock and check lower shop close heat register and doors to study, master leak pan under sink computers off format camera cards hide jewelry put Craigslist sales on hold suspend library holds Trim bangs shave Order currency (Travelex) order meds and vitamins and beano update password file online and on thumb drive/tablet fill bird feeders review flora of place we're going review wildlife refuges to see if they're worth going to at that time of year reserve NP campgrounds way ahead!! avoid NPs on weekends Bug spray clothes leave extra keys at home dry tub bath mat latch side gate Netflix downloads Create separate international trip list? (Categories: clothes to wear, clothes to pack, in daypack on plane, in fanny pack, moneybelt, paperwork, electronics in suitcase, toiletries, quart zip, other) Clothes: Grant sun shirt, shower/beach sandals, light pants for heat Orange vest for hunting season For camping trips wear and bring old clothes and shoes! warmer clothes! (I froze at the coast in middle of hot summer, for example) fewer clothes if warm place long pants (if warm place, no jeans; always bring lightweight pants; bring belt for when pants get loose) Shorts or capris Long sleeve shirts (if warm place, two lightweight long sleeve sun shirts) short sleeve shirts long underwear top and bottom extra bra socks 5 pair (2 days each) undies 5 pair (2 days each) Denim shirt or nicer sweater for looking dressier than sweatshirt sweats/bathrobe/jammies (if warm place, no sweats, use capris for lounging) swim suit bandana (one for Grant too) Outerwear: Make sure Grant brings warm coat, wind breaker Sweatshirt (with drawstring hood for skeeters) Parka down jacket fleece jacket down vest scarf, gloves, hat (always bring thick hat and full gloves!!) umbrella Shoes: slippers flip flops sandals Tennies with orthotics hiking boots + socks (Grant hiking socks) shoe horn water for bus trip to airport decaf coffee/tea plane food granola bars - all trips Grant snack packs! Camera and book camera USB cord extra SD card cell phone, charger, battery pack AA and AAA batteries (incl. for Grant) (fill both containers for road trips, especially AAA for headlamps) things that use batteries: toothbrushes, flashlight, headlamp, other?) usb hub (always bring one! Each of us bring our own for interntl trips) passports for all trips!! reading light (headlamp! always bring, including overseas) Farkle beach towel Binoculars (2) bird book Kindle, cord Eyeglasses, case butt pad cough drops (1 bag per month) Daypack Fanny pack Guidebook and post-it page markers Hotel written confirmations (bring email addresses!) Jewelry (ring, earrings) Ring box!! Journal (70-page spiral) and pens music earbuds headphone splitter? thumb drive usb 110 adapter Netbook, wall wart, external HD, no mouse Maps (AAA, atlas, etc.) Notepad, pens, sticky notes Pillow Plastic bag for laundry quarters for parking meters, camp showers Sun hat, baseball cap, rain hat Sunglasses sunscreen travel pillow Trip itinerary water bottle (car and daypack) extra water bottle for Grant wrist wrap Zip-lock baggies, variety of sizes (bring LOTS, including big one for books in daypack in case of rain) Clothesline, sink stopper, laundry detergent (1/4 c per week) Spot remover knife, fork, spoon (disposable, 1 per person), small tupperware "business" cards washcloth (offshore hotels don't have them) Visa pin number BECU user name and password photo books mosquito head nets for both of us glue stick for putting tickets and such in journal (yes!) "mugger's" decoy wallet Disposable lens wipes kleenex pack plus extras (for hikes, etc.) Guitar in case: strings/winder/cutter/instructions Songbook, stand footstool for playing guitar Toiletries: pepto bismol anti diarrheal primrose oil for canker sores - always bring efferdent folding cup glucose tabs in purse tb, paste, floss, night guard in separate "wet" bag (Small toothpaste lasts 3 weeks) water pik and charging cord electric toothbrush and charger vaseline bar soap (always because many places don't have it) extra floss Wet wipes cold medicines (antihistamine, cough gels) canker sore stuff pumice stone Deodorant Earplugs eye cover (2) - always bring! body lotion (extra for back of van) motion sickness pills (for car trips too!) BRING ONE PER DAY! Hair bands monster clip moleskin/scissors mosquito repellent and itch cream Nail clippers/tweezers/emery board face lotion small flashlight First aid kit: bandaids (incl. small ones), moleskin, neosporin (refill) Lip balm with SPF (bring a spare!) Tylenol, benadryl, aspirin, ibuprofen (bring extra!!) vaseline lubricant in PUMP bottle Sewing kit, safety pins and buttons Shampoo/conditioner in zip-lock baggie (large ones last 6 weeks+) [Bring extra for Grant] vitamins acyclovir pantoprazole Tums Brush Nasal rinse anti diarrheal hair scissors (bangs, etc.) comb non-hair scissors eye drops (2) toothpicks salt tabs (YES, especially for Mexico) pill cutter Kitchen kit for plane trips (rubber gloves, sponge, scraper, cutting board, utensils) On plane: nasal spray nasal gel (take to Mexico) foot stool butt pad lumbar pad neck pillow cloth wrap Camping/Cooking/Car See separate file International: Moneybelt: Passport, plane ticket, debit card, credit card, driver's license, American dollars, Orca card Copies of passport, plane tickets, prescriptions photos of kids, Seattle Bank statements adapter plus hand sanitizer (1 oz. lasts 6 weeks for 1 person) Airport checklist: Move eyedrops into purse Take pills!