Slovenian land archives: Ferdinand in Magdalena Erschen, Mozelj 11 Their last names do not show up in the list of landowners in 1825 in Gottschee. See Igor Bratic post on Gottschee FB, June 13, 2020: I am not of Gottscheer origin, but in the course of my research into some tangentially related topics, I ended up studying the so called Franciscan cadastre of Carniola fairly intensely. During the 1820s, all villages were surveyed and new and very accurate cadastral maps were drawn, and ownership was established for even the smallest parcel of land. Part of these cadastral records were lists of heads of households, along with the house numbers that were newly assigned and that would for the most part remain the same throughout the century. This treasure trove of cadastral documents was scanned and made available on the website of the archives of the Republic of Slovenia. In the file Gottschee Heads of Households 1820s, I have copied all the civil parishes that were inhabited by the Gottscheers, containing all the heads of households in individual villages. Two parishes were mixed, in the sense that they included both Slovene and German villages. Slovene villages are indicated by the colour purple. There are only 5 of them and they are here for the sake of completion. I have tried to provide, to the best of my ability, both the current Slovene and the traditional Standard German names of all villages. I thought this might be useful to some of you.